Breaking Changes
There are no breaking changes in this release.
Complete Changelog
The following is the complete list of changes in this version:
- Fix no-used-vars to report FunctionExpression params (fixes #697). (Andrey Popp)
- fixes #711: eslint reports wrong line number for files with shebang (Michael Ficarra)
- Fix for no-unused-vars and MemberExpression (Andrey Popp)
- added no-warning-comments rule (Alexander Schmidt)
- fixes #699: brace-style does not check function expressions (Michael Ficarra)
- rewrite block-scoped-var (Michael Ficarra)
- recommend using hasOwnProperty from Object.prototype in guard-for-in docs (Michael Ficarra)
- change conf/environments.json spacing to be simpler and more consistent (Michael Ficarra)
- Update API to use context.getFilename() instead of .filename. (Loren Segal)
- Small changes, JSDoc is clarified (Aliaksei Shytkin)
- Move FileFinder to separate file (Aliaksei Shytkin)
- Cache if file is not found (Aliaksei Shytkin)
- Use cache on config files seach (Aliaksei Shytkin)
- Added .eslintignore to load from parents folders (fixes #681) (Aliaksei Shytkin)
- fix ‘node-modules’ typo in docs (Fred K. Schott)
- Upgrade to the latest version of doctrine. (Brian Di Palma)
- Document optional filename and default it to ‘<input>’. (Loren Segal)
- Fix: Compatibility for Node 0.8 (Nicholas C. Zakas)
- Update: Makefile.js now uses shelljs-nodecli (Nicholas C. Zakas)
- #681 apply all .eslintignore exclusions (Aliaksei Shytkin)
- Add RuleContext.filename property (for #468). (Loren Segal)