- 76913b6 Update: Add metadata to existing rules - Batch 3 (refs #5417) (Vitor Balocco)
- fb3c2eb Update: allow template literals (fixes #5234) (Jonathan Haines)
- 5a4a935 Update: Add metadata to existing rules - Batch 2 (refs #5417) (Vitor Balocco)
- f8db9c9 Update: add nestedBinaryExpressions to no-extra-parens (fixes #3065) (Ilya Volodin)
- 0045d57 Update:
(fixes #5675) (alberto) - 19da72a Update: Add metadata to existing rules - Batch 1 (refs #5417) (Vitor Balocco)
- 24b6215 Update: Include ‘typeof’ in rule ‘no-constant-condition’ (fixes #5228) (Vamshi krishna)
- 6fd7d82 Update: Change order in
eslint --init
env options (fixes #5742) (alberto) - 6703c02 Update: no-useless-escape / exact locations of errors (fixes #5751) (Onur Temizkan)
- b0e6bc4 Update: add allowEmptyCatch option to no-empty (fixes #5800) (Kai Cataldo)
- 228f201 Update:
option forno-fallthrough
rule (fixes #5757) (Artyom Lvov) - 2b202fc Update: Add ignore option to space-before-function-parens (fixes #4127) (Craig Silverstein)
Bug Fixes
- 34ad8d2 Fix: Check that module.paths exists (fixes #5791) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
- ea2e625 Fix: newline-before-return handles return as first token (fixes #5816) (Kevin Partington)
- cc14e43 Fix:
empty case with comment (fixes #5799) (alberto) - 13c8b14 Fix: LogicalExpression checks for short circuit (fixes #5693) (Vamshi krishna)
- 73b225e Fix: Document and fix metadata (refs #5417) (Ilya Volodin)
- c59d909 Fix: Extra paren check around object arrow bodies (fixes #5789) (Brandon Mills)
- 02743d5 Fix: catch self-assignment operators in
(fixes #4400) (alberto) - ccd8ca9 Fix: Added property onlyDeclaration to id-match rule (fixes #3488) (Gajus Kuizinas)
- 3d84b91 Fix: ignore trailing whitespace in template literal (fixes #5786) (Kai Cataldo)
- 24c12ba Fix: improve
errors for literals (fixes #5449) (Toru Nagashima)
- a8821a5 Docs: Distinguish examples in rules under Stylistic Issues part 2 (Kenneth Williams)
- 37239b1 Docs: Add new members of the team (Ilya Volodin)
- 882d199 Docs: Improve options description in
(alberto) - 6a71ceb Docs: Improve options description in
(alberto) - a959063 Docs: Remove link to deprecated ESLintTester project (refs #3110) (Trey Thomas)
- 6f88546 Docs: Use double quotes for better Win compatibility (fixes #5796) (alberto)
- c94e74e Docs: Make rule descriptions more consistent (Kenneth Williams)
- 6028252 Docs: Distinguish examples in rules under Stylistic Issues part 1 (Mark Pedrotti)
- f1f1dd7 Docs: Add @pedrottimark as a committer (Brandon Mills)
- 41db670 Docs: Clarify disable inline comments (Kai Cataldo)
- 9c9a295 Docs: Add note about shell vs node glob parameters in cli (alberto)
- 5308ff9 Docs: Add code backticks to sentence in fixable rules (Mark Pedrotti)
- 965ec06 Docs: fix the examples for space-before-function-paren. (Craig Silverstein)